방금 파이썬으로 블라즈 팜, 핸즈 하기전에 어제까지만해도 

미디어파이프파이토치 코드 기준으로 따라가려다가 (논문에서 설명한걸 따라간거겟지만)

팜의 회전방향 고려해서 어파인변환하고 엄청 지저분해졌는데






굳이 어파인 변환까지 하지않아도 

색상영역로 손추출 -> 블라즈핸드로도 충분히 손자세를 잘 잡아낼수 있었다.

그런 이유로 블라즈를 다 날리고 깔끔하게 다시 정리해볼 생각




한참 해맨 문제 정리


1. 느린 웹캠 시작시간

그리고 왜 시작이 느린가 싶더니

노트북 웹캠은 빨리 시작하고, usb 웹캠은 시작이 늦었다.

스트리밍 해상도가 높을떈 더 느렸고

노트북 웹캠을 쓰는게 나을듯


2. 손 검출이 잘 안되던 이유

블라즈 팜할때 RGB가 아닌 BGR 상태를 입력으로 준게 문제였다.

패딩이 문제가 아니라.




블라즈 갈아엎기



기존에 하면서 엉망이된

블라즈 다시 시작


// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once
#include "PreOpenCVHeaders.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "PostOpenCVHeaders.h"

#include "CoreMinimal.h"


	cv::dnn::Net blazePalm;
	cv::dnn::Net blazeHand;

	// var and funcs for blazepalm
	struct PalmDetection {
		float ymin;
		float xmin;
		float ymax;
		float xmax;
		cv::Point2d kp_arr[7];
		float score;

	int blazeHandSize = 256;
	int blazePalmSize = 128;
	float palmMinScoreThresh = 0.4;
	float palmMinNMSThresh = 0.2;
	int palmMinNumKeyPoints = 7;

	void ResizeAndPad(
		cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
		cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad

	std::vector<PalmDetection> PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img);
	PalmDetection GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
		int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset);
	float sigmoid(float x);
	std::vector<PalmDetection> DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad);
	void DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> denormDets);
	std::vector<PalmDetection> FilteringDets(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height);






패딩은 문제가 없었고, 색변환이 문제였으므로

리사이즈앤패드 맨뒤에 bgr2rgb 추가하였음.


// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "Blaze.h"

	this->blazePalm = cv::dnn::readNet("c:/blazepalm_old.onnx");
	this->blazeHand = cv::dnn::readNet("c:/blazehand.onnx");


void Blaze::ResizeAndPad(
    cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
    cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad
    float h1, w1;
    int padw, padh;

    cv::Size size0 = srcimg.size();
    if (size0.height >= size0.width) {
        h1 = 256;
        w1 = 256 * size0.width / size0.height;
        padh = 0;
        padw = static_cast<int>(256 - w1);
        scale = size0.width / static_cast<float>(w1);
    else {
        h1 = 256 * size0.height / size0.width;
        w1 = 256;
        padh = static_cast<int>(256 - h1);
        padw = 0;
        scale = size0.height / static_cast<float>(h1);

    //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("scale value: %f, size0.height: %d, size0.width : %d, h1 : %f"), scale, size0.height, size0.width, h1);

    int padh1 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2);
    int padh2 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2) + static_cast<int>(padh % 2);
    int padw1 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2);
    int padw2 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2) + static_cast<int>(padw % 2);
    pad = cv::Scalar(static_cast<float>(padh1 * scale), static_cast<float>(padw1 * scale));

    cv::resize(srcimg, img256, cv::Size(w1, h1));
    cv::copyMakeBorder(img256, img256, padh1, padh2, padw1, padw2, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));

    cv::cvtColor(img256, img256, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
    cv::resize(img256, img128, cv::Size(128, 128));
    cv::cvtColor(img128, img128, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);

std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> Blaze::PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img)
    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> beforeNMSResults;
    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> afterNMSResults;
    std::vector<float> scores;
    std::vector<int> indices;
    std::vector<cv::Rect> boundingBoxes;

    cv::Mat inputImg;
    cv::cvtColor(img, inputImg, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);

    cv::Mat tensor;
    inputImg.convertTo(tensor, CV_32F, 1 / blazePalmSize, 0);
    cv::Mat blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(tensor, 1.0, tensor.size(), 0, false, false, CV_32F);
    std::vector<cv::String> outNames(2);
    outNames[0] = "regressors";
    outNames[1] = "classificators";

    std::vector<cv::Mat> outputs;
    blazePalm.forward(outputs, outNames);

    cv::Mat classificator = outputs[0];
    cv::Mat regressor = outputs[1];

    for (int y = 0; y < 16; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 2; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 8, 2, x, y, a, 0);
                if (res.score != 0)

                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin, res.ymin);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax, res.ymax);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 6; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 16, 6, x, y, a, 512);
                if (res.score != 0)
                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin, res.ymin);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax, res.ymax);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boundingBoxes, scores, palmMinScoreThresh, palmMinNMSThresh, indices);

    for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
        int idx = indices[i];

    return afterNMSResults;

Blaze::PalmDetection Blaze::GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
    int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset) {

    Blaze::PalmDetection res;

    int index = (int(row * 128 / stride) + column) * anchor_count + anchor + offset;
    float origin_score = regressor.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float score = sigmoid(origin_score);
    if (score < palmMinScoreThresh) return res;

    float x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 1);
    float w = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 2);
    float h = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 3);

    x += (column + 0.5) * stride - w / 2;
    y += (row + 0.5) * stride - h / 2;

    res.ymin = (y) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmin = (x) / blazePalmSize;
    res.ymax = (y + h) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmax = (x + w) / blazePalmSize;

    if ((res.ymin < 0) || (res.xmin < 0) || (res.xmax > 1) || (res.ymax > 1)) return res;

    res.score = score;

    std::vector<cv::Point2d> kpts;
    for (int key_id = 0; key_id < palmMinNumKeyPoints; key_id++)
        float kpt_x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 4 + key_id * 2);
        float kpt_y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 5 + key_id * 2);
        kpt_x += (column + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_x  = kpt_x / blazePalmSize;
        kpt_y += (row + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_y  = kpt_y / blazePalmSize;
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), key_id, kpt_x, kpt_y);
        res.kp_arr[key_id] = cv::Point2d(kpt_x, kpt_y);

    return res;

float Blaze::sigmoid(float x) {
    return 1 / (1 + exp(-x));

std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> Blaze::DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad)

    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> denormDets;

    int scale = 0;
    if (width > height)
        scale = width;
        scale = height;

    for (auto& det : detections)
        Blaze::PalmDetection denormDet;
        denormDet.ymin = det.ymin * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmin = det.xmin * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.ymax = det.ymax * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmax = det.xmax * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.score = det.score;

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::Point2d pt_new = cv::Point2d(det.kp_arr[i].x * scale - pad[1], det.kp_arr[i].y * scale - pad[0]);
            //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("denorm kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), i, pt_new.x, pt_new.y);
            denormDet.kp_arr[i] = pt_new;
    return denormDets;

void Blaze::DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> denormDets)
    for (auto& denormDet : denormDets)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmax, denormDet.ymax);
        cv::rectangle(img, cv::Rect(startPt, endPt), cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::circle(img, denormDet.kp_arr[i], 5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);

        std::string score_str = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(denormDet.score * 100))+ "%";
        cv::putText(img, score_str, cv::Point(startPt.x, startPt.y - 20), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);


std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> Blaze::FilteringDets(std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height)
    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> filteredDets;

    for (auto& denormDet : detections)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        if (startPt.x < 10 || startPt.y < 10)
        if (startPt.x > width || startPt.y > height)
        int w = denormDet.xmax - denormDet.xmin;
        int y = denormDet.ymax - denormDet.ymin;
        if ((w * y < 40 * 40 )|| (w * y  > (width * 0.7) * (height * 0.7)))
    return filteredDets;




언리얼에선 확인하기 힘들어서 따로 c++로 코드 빼서 정리중


cvt color 시점때문에 손검출이 잘안되던걸 찾아서 수정했으나

손이 1개밖에 검출되지 않는다. 2개 안되는 원인 찾아야함.


#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

// var and funcs for blazepalm
struct PalmDetection {
    float ymin;
    float xmin;
    float ymax;
    float xmax;
    cv::Point2d kp_arr[7];
    float score;

int blazeHandSize = 256;
int blazePalmSize = 128;
float palmMinScoreThresh = 0.4;
float palmMinNMSThresh = 0.2;
int palmMinNumKeyPoints = 7;

void ResizeAndPad(
    cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
    cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad

std::vector<PalmDetection> PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img);
PalmDetection GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
    int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset);
float sigmoid(float x);
std::vector<PalmDetection> DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad);
void DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets);
std::vector<PalmDetection> FilteringDets(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height);

cv::dnn::Net blazePalm = cv::dnn::readNetFromONNX("c:/blazepalm_old.onnx");

int webcamWidth = 640;
int webcamHeight = 480;

cv::Mat img256;
cv::Mat img128;
float scale;
cv::Scalar pad;

int main() {
    cv::Mat frame;

    cv::VideoCapture cap(0);
    if (!cap.isOpened()) {
        std::cout << "Failed to open camera" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    while (true) {
        bool ret = cap.read(frame);
        if (!ret)

        ResizeAndPad(frame, img256, img128, scale, pad);
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("scale value: %f, pad value: (%f, %f)"), scale, pad[0], pad[1]);
        std::vector<PalmDetection> normDets = PredictPalmDetections(img128);
        std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets = DenormalizePalmDetections(normDets, webcamWidth, webcamHeight, pad);
        std::vector<PalmDetection> filteredDets = FilteringDets(denormDets, webcamWidth, webcamHeight);

        std::string dets_size_str = "filtered dets : " + std::to_string(filteredDets.size()) + ", norm dets : " + std::to_string(normDets.size()) + ", denorm dets : " + std::to_string(denormDets.size());
        cv::putText(frame, dets_size_str, cv::Point(30, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);

        DrawPalmDetections(frame, filteredDets);

        cv::imshow("Camera Streaming", frame);
        cv::imshow("img256", img256);
        cv::imshow("img128", img128);

        if (cv::waitKey(1) == 'q') {



    return 0;

void ResizeAndPad(
    cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
    cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad
    float h1, w1;
    int padw, padh;

    cv::Size size0 = srcimg.size();
    if (size0.height >= size0.width) {
        h1 = 256;
        w1 = 256 * size0.width / size0.height;
        padh = 0;
        padw = static_cast<int>(256 - w1);
        scale = size0.width / static_cast<float>(w1);
    else {
        h1 = 256 * size0.height / size0.width;
        w1 = 256;
        padh = static_cast<int>(256 - h1);
        padw = 0;
        scale = size0.height / static_cast<float>(h1);

    //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("scale value: %f, size0.height: %d, size0.width : %d, h1 : %f"), scale, size0.height, size0.width, h1);

    int padh1 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2);
    int padh2 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2) + static_cast<int>(padh % 2);
    int padw1 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2);
    int padw2 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2) + static_cast<int>(padw % 2);
    pad = cv::Scalar(static_cast<float>(padh1 * scale), static_cast<float>(padw1 * scale));

    cv::resize(srcimg, img256, cv::Size(w1, h1));
    cv::copyMakeBorder(img256, img256, padh1, padh2, padw1, padw2, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
    cv::resize(img256, img128, cv::Size(128, 128));
    cv::cvtColor(img256, img256, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
    cv::cvtColor(img128, img128, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);

std::vector<PalmDetection> PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img)
    std::vector<PalmDetection> beforeNMSResults;
    std::vector<PalmDetection> afterNMSResults;
    std::vector<float> scores;
    std::vector<int> indices;
    std::vector<cv::Rect> boundingBoxes;

    cv::Mat tensor;
    img.convertTo(tensor, CV_32F);
    tensor = tensor / 127.5 - 1;
    cv::Mat blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(tensor, 1.0, tensor.size(), 0, false, false, CV_32F);
    std::vector<cv::String> outNames(2);
    outNames[0] = "regressors";
    outNames[1] = "classificators";

    std::vector<cv::Mat> outputs;
    blazePalm.forward(outputs, outNames);

    cv::Mat classificator = outputs[0];
    cv::Mat regressor = outputs[1];

    for (int y = 0; y < 16; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 2; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 8, 2, x, y, a, 0);
                if (res.score != 0)

                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin, res.ymin);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax, res.ymax);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 6; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 16, 6, x, y, a, 512);
                if (res.score != 0)
                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin, res.ymin);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax, res.ymax);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boundingBoxes, scores, palmMinScoreThresh, palmMinNMSThresh, indices);

    for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
        int idx = indices[i];

    return afterNMSResults;

PalmDetection GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
    int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset) {

    PalmDetection res;

    int index = (int(row * 128 / stride) + column) * anchor_count + anchor + offset;
    float origin_score = regressor.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float score = sigmoid(origin_score);
    if (score < palmMinScoreThresh) return res;

    float x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 1);
    float w = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 2);
    float h = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 3);

    x += (column + 0.5) * stride - w / 2;
    y += (row + 0.5) * stride - h / 2;

    res.ymin = (y) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmin = (x) / blazePalmSize;
    res.ymax = (y + h) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmax = (x + w) / blazePalmSize;

    if ((res.ymin < 0) || (res.xmin < 0) || (res.xmax > 1) || (res.ymax > 1)) return res;

    res.score = score;

    std::vector<cv::Point2d> kpts;
    for (int key_id = 0; key_id < palmMinNumKeyPoints; key_id++)
        float kpt_x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 4 + key_id * 2);
        float kpt_y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 5 + key_id * 2);
        kpt_x += (column + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_x = kpt_x / blazePalmSize;
        kpt_y += (row + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_y = kpt_y / blazePalmSize;
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), key_id, kpt_x, kpt_y);
        res.kp_arr[key_id] = cv::Point2d(kpt_x, kpt_y);

    return res;

float sigmoid(float x) {
    return 1 / (1 + exp(-x));

std::vector<PalmDetection> DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad)

    std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets;

    int scale = 0;
    if (width > height)
        scale = width;
        scale = height;

    for (auto& det : detections)
        PalmDetection denormDet;
        denormDet.ymin = det.ymin * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmin = det.xmin * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.ymax = det.ymax * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmax = det.xmax * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.score = det.score;

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::Point2d pt_new = cv::Point2d(det.kp_arr[i].x * scale - pad[1], det.kp_arr[i].y * scale - pad[0]);
            //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("denorm kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), i, pt_new.x, pt_new.y);
            denormDet.kp_arr[i] = pt_new;
    return denormDets;

void DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets)
    for (auto& denormDet : denormDets)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmax, denormDet.ymax);
        cv::rectangle(img, cv::Rect(startPt, endPt), cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::circle(img, denormDet.kp_arr[i], 5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);

        std::string score_str = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(denormDet.score * 100)) + "%";
        cv::putText(img, score_str, cv::Point(startPt.x, startPt.y - 20), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);


std::vector<PalmDetection> FilteringDets(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height)
    std::vector<PalmDetection> filteredDets;

    for (auto& denormDet : detections)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        if (startPt.x < 10 || startPt.y < 10)
        if (startPt.x > width || startPt.y > height)
        int w = denormDet.xmax - denormDet.xmin;
        int y = denormDet.ymax - denormDet.ymin;
        if ((w * y < 40 * 40) || (w * y > (width * 0.7) * (height * 0.7)))
    return filteredDets;




자꾸 NMS 결과가 1개밖에 안나와서 최종 박스가 1개밖에 안나왔다.

후보 박스들은 많은데

원인 계속 해매다보니

NMS때 사용하는 박스 좌표들이 0 ~ 1로 정규화되어있어 너무 작았기 때문

-> 입력 해상도 128 을 곱해준 결과 정상적으로 나옴




따로 만든 예제 코드


#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

// var and funcs for blazepalm
struct PalmDetection {
    float ymin;
    float xmin;
    float ymax;
    float xmax;
    cv::Point2d kp_arr[7];
    float score;

int blazeHandSize = 256;
int blazePalmSize = 128;
float palmMinScoreThresh = 0.4;
float palmMinNMSThresh = 0.4;
int palmMinNumKeyPoints = 7;

void ResizeAndPad(
    cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
    cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad

std::vector<PalmDetection> PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, cv::Mat& frame);
PalmDetection GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
    int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset);
float sigmoid(float x);
std::vector<PalmDetection> DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad);
void DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets);
std::vector<PalmDetection> FilteringDets(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height);

cv::dnn::Net blazePalm = cv::dnn::readNetFromONNX("c:/blazepalm_old.onnx");

int webcamWidth = 640;
int webcamHeight = 480;

cv::Mat img256;
cv::Mat img128;
float scale;
cv::Scalar pad;

int main() {
    cv::Mat frame;

    cv::VideoCapture cap(0);
    if (!cap.isOpened()) {
        std::cout << "Failed to open camera" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    while (true) {
        bool ret = cap.read(frame);
        if (!ret)

        ResizeAndPad(frame, img256, img128, scale, pad);
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("scale value: %f, pad value: (%f, %f)"), scale, pad[0], pad[1]);
        std::vector<PalmDetection> normDets = PredictPalmDetections(img128, frame);
        std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets = DenormalizePalmDetections(normDets, webcamWidth, webcamHeight, pad);
        std::vector<PalmDetection> filteredDets = FilteringDets(denormDets, webcamWidth, webcamHeight);

        std::string dets_size_str = "filtered dets : " + std::to_string(filteredDets.size()) + ", norm dets : " + std::to_string(normDets.size()) + ", denorm dets : " + std::to_string(denormDets.size());
        cv::putText(frame, dets_size_str, cv::Point(30, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);

        DrawPalmDetections(frame, filteredDets);

        cv::imshow("Camera Streaming", frame);
        cv::imshow("img256", img256);
        cv::imshow("img128", img128);

        if (cv::waitKey(1) == 'q') {



    return 0;

void ResizeAndPad(
    cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
    cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad
    float h1, w1;
    int padw, padh;

    cv::Size size0 = srcimg.size();
    if (size0.height >= size0.width) {
        h1 = 256;
        w1 = 256 * size0.width / size0.height;
        padh = 0;
        padw = static_cast<int>(256 - w1);
        scale = size0.width / static_cast<float>(w1);
    else {
        h1 = 256 * size0.height / size0.width;
        w1 = 256;
        padh = static_cast<int>(256 - h1);
        padw = 0;
        scale = size0.height / static_cast<float>(h1);

    //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("scale value: %f, size0.height: %d, size0.width : %d, h1 : %f"), scale, size0.height, size0.width, h1);

    int padh1 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2);
    int padh2 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2) + static_cast<int>(padh % 2);
    int padw1 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2);
    int padw2 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2) + static_cast<int>(padw % 2);
    pad = cv::Scalar(static_cast<float>(padh1 * scale), static_cast<float>(padw1 * scale));

    cv::resize(srcimg, img256, cv::Size(w1, h1));
    cv::copyMakeBorder(img256, img256, padh1, padh2, padw1, padw2, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
    cv::resize(img256, img128, cv::Size(128, 128));
    cv::cvtColor(img256, img256, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
    cv::cvtColor(img128, img128, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);

std::vector<PalmDetection> PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, cv::Mat& frame)
    std::vector<PalmDetection> beforeNMSResults;
    std::vector<PalmDetection> afterNMSResults;
    std::vector<float> scores;
    std::vector<int> indices;
    std::vector<cv::Rect> boundingBoxes;

    cv::Mat tensor;
    img.convertTo(tensor, CV_32F);
    tensor = tensor / 127.5 - 1;
    cv::Mat blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(tensor, 1.0, tensor.size(), 0, false, false, CV_32F);
    std::vector<cv::String> outNames(2);
    outNames[0] = "regressors";
    outNames[1] = "classificators";

    std::vector<cv::Mat> outputs;
    blazePalm.forward(outputs, outNames);

    cv::Mat classificator = outputs[0];
    cv::Mat regressor = outputs[1];

    for (int y = 0; y < 16; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 2; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 8, 2, x, y, a, 0);
                if (res.score != 0)

                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin * 128, res.ymin * 128);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax * 128, res.ymax * 128);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 6; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 16, 6, x, y, a, 512);
                if (res.score != 0)
                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin * 128, res.ymin * 128);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax * 128, res.ymax * 128);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    std::vector<PalmDetection> denormBeforeNMSResults = DenormalizePalmDetections(beforeNMSResults, 640, 480, cv::Scalar(80, 0));

    for (auto& denormBeforeNMSResult : denormBeforeNMSResults)

        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormBeforeNMSResult.xmin, denormBeforeNMSResult.ymin);
        cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(denormBeforeNMSResult.xmax, denormBeforeNMSResult.ymax);
        cv::rectangle(frame, cv::Rect(startPt, endPt), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);

        std::string score_str = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(denormBeforeNMSResult.score * 100));
        cv::putText(frame, score_str, cv::Point(startPt.x, startPt.y - 10), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::circle(frame, denormBeforeNMSResult.kp_arr[i], 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);

    cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boundingBoxes, scores, palmMinScoreThresh, palmMinNMSThresh, indices);

    std::cout << "index check : " << std::endl;
    for (auto& index : indices)
        std::cout << index << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
        int idx = indices[i];

    std::vector<PalmDetection> denormAfterNMSResults = DenormalizePalmDetections(afterNMSResults, 640, 480, cv::Scalar(80, 0));

    for (auto& denormAfterNMSResult : denormAfterNMSResults)

        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormAfterNMSResult.xmin, denormAfterNMSResult.ymin);
        cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(denormAfterNMSResult.xmax, denormAfterNMSResult.ymax);
        cv::rectangle(frame, cv::Rect(startPt, endPt), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 2);

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::circle(frame, denormAfterNMSResult.kp_arr[i], 6, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), -1);

    return afterNMSResults;

PalmDetection GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
    int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset) {

    PalmDetection res;

    int index = (int(row * 128 / stride) + column) * anchor_count + anchor + offset;
    float origin_score = regressor.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float score = sigmoid(origin_score);
    if (score < palmMinScoreThresh) return res;

    float x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 1);
    float w = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 2);
    float h = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 3);

    x += (column + 0.5) * stride - w / 2;
    y += (row + 0.5) * stride - h / 2;

    res.ymin = (y) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmin = (x) / blazePalmSize;
    res.ymax = (y + h) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmax = (x + w) / blazePalmSize;

    //std::cout << "score : " << score << ", coord : " << res.ymin << ", " << res.xmin << ", " << res.ymax << ", " << res.xmax << std::endl;
    //if ((res.ymin < 0) || (res.xmin < 0) || (res.xmax > 1) || (res.ymax > 1)) return res;

    res.score = score;

    std::vector<cv::Point2d> kpts;
    for (int key_id = 0; key_id < palmMinNumKeyPoints; key_id++)
        float kpt_x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 4 + key_id * 2);
        float kpt_y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 5 + key_id * 2);
        kpt_x += (column + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_x = kpt_x / blazePalmSize;
        kpt_y += (row + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_y = kpt_y / blazePalmSize;
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), key_id, kpt_x, kpt_y);
        res.kp_arr[key_id] = cv::Point2d(kpt_x, kpt_y);

    return res;

float sigmoid(float x) {
    return 1 / (1 + exp(-x));

std::vector<PalmDetection> DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad)

    std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets;

    int scale = 0;
    if (width > height)
        scale = width;
        scale = height;

    for (auto& det : detections)
        PalmDetection denormDet;
        denormDet.ymin = det.ymin * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmin = det.xmin * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.ymax = det.ymax * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmax = det.xmax * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.score = det.score;

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::Point2d pt_new = cv::Point2d(det.kp_arr[i].x * scale - pad[1], det.kp_arr[i].y * scale - pad[0]);
            //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("denorm kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), i, pt_new.x, pt_new.y);
            denormDet.kp_arr[i] = pt_new;
    return denormDets;

void DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<PalmDetection> denormDets)
    for (auto& denormDet : denormDets)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmax, denormDet.ymax);
        cv::rectangle(img, cv::Rect(startPt, endPt), cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::circle(img, denormDet.kp_arr[i], 5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);

        std::string score_str = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(denormDet.score * 100)) + "%";
        cv::putText(img, score_str, cv::Point(startPt.x, startPt.y - 20), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);


std::vector<PalmDetection> FilteringDets(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height)
    std::vector<PalmDetection> filteredDets;

    for (auto& denormDet : detections)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        if (startPt.x < 10 || startPt.y < 10)
        if (startPt.x > width || startPt.y > height)
        int w = denormDet.xmax - denormDet.xmin;
        int y = denormDet.ymax - denormDet.ymin;
        if ((w * y < 40 * 40) || (w * y > (width * 0.7) * (height * 0.7)))
    return filteredDets;











이제 인게임에서도 손 잘 찾아낸다.


현재 블라즈 코드

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "Blaze.h"

	this->blazePalm = cv::dnn::readNet("c:/blazepalm_old.onnx");
	this->blazeHand = cv::dnn::readNet("c:/blazehand.onnx");


void Blaze::ResizeAndPad(
    cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
    cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad
    float h1, w1;
    int padw, padh;

    cv::Size size0 = srcimg.size();
    if (size0.height >= size0.width) {
        h1 = 256;
        w1 = 256 * size0.width / size0.height;
        padh = 0;
        padw = static_cast<int>(256 - w1);
        scale = size0.width / static_cast<float>(w1);
    else {
        h1 = 256 * size0.height / size0.width;
        w1 = 256;
        padh = static_cast<int>(256 - h1);
        padw = 0;
        scale = size0.height / static_cast<float>(h1);

    //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("scale value: %f, size0.height: %d, size0.width : %d, h1 : %f"), scale, size0.height, size0.width, h1);

    int padh1 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2);
    int padh2 = static_cast<int>(padh / 2) + static_cast<int>(padh % 2);
    int padw1 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2);
    int padw2 = static_cast<int>(padw / 2) + static_cast<int>(padw % 2);
    pad = cv::Scalar(static_cast<float>(padh1 * scale), static_cast<float>(padw1 * scale));

    cv::resize(srcimg, img256, cv::Size(w1, h1));
    cv::copyMakeBorder(img256, img256, padh1, padh2, padw1, padw2, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));

    cv::resize(img256, img128, cv::Size(128, 128));
    cv::cvtColor(img256, img256, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
    cv::cvtColor(img128, img128, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);

std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> Blaze::PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img)
    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> beforeNMSResults;
    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> afterNMSResults;
    std::vector<float> scores;
    std::vector<int> indices;
    std::vector<cv::Rect> boundingBoxes;

    cv::Mat tensor;
    img.convertTo(tensor, CV_32F);
    tensor = tensor / 127.5 - 1;
    cv::Mat blob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(tensor, 1.0, tensor.size(), 0, false, false, CV_32F);
    std::vector<cv::String> outNames(2);
    outNames[0] = "regressors";
    outNames[1] = "classificators";

    std::vector<cv::Mat> outputs;
    blazePalm.forward(outputs, outNames);

    cv::Mat classificator = outputs[0];
    cv::Mat regressor = outputs[1];

    for (int y = 0; y < 16; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 2; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 8, 2, x, y, a, 0);
                if (res.score != 0)

                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin * blazePalmSize, res.ymin * blazePalmSize);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax * blazePalmSize, res.ymax * blazePalmSize);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
            for (int a = 0; a < 6; ++a) {
                PalmDetection res = GetPalmDetection(regressor, classificator, 16, 6, x, y, a, 512);
                if (res.score != 0)
                    cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmin * blazePalmSize, res.ymin * blazePalmSize);
                    cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(res.xmax * blazePalmSize, res.ymax * blazePalmSize);

                    boundingBoxes.push_back(cv::Rect(startPt, endPt));

    cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boundingBoxes, scores, palmMinScoreThresh, palmMinNMSThresh, indices);

    for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
        int idx = indices[i];

    return afterNMSResults;

Blaze::PalmDetection Blaze::GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
    int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset) {

    Blaze::PalmDetection res;

    int index = (int(row * 128 / stride) + column) * anchor_count + anchor + offset;
    float origin_score = regressor.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float score = sigmoid(origin_score);
    if (score < palmMinScoreThresh) return res;

    float x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 0);
    float y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 1);
    float w = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 2);
    float h = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 3);

    x += (column + 0.5) * stride - w / 2;
    y += (row + 0.5) * stride - h / 2;

    res.ymin = (y) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmin = (x) / blazePalmSize;
    res.ymax = (y + h) / blazePalmSize;
    res.xmax = (x + w) / blazePalmSize;

    //if ((res.ymin < 0) || (res.xmin < 0) || (res.xmax > 1) || (res.ymax > 1)) return res;

    res.score = score;

    std::vector<cv::Point2d> kpts;
    for (int key_id = 0; key_id < palmMinNumKeyPoints; key_id++)
        float kpt_x = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 4 + key_id * 2);
        float kpt_y = classificator.at<float>(0, index, 5 + key_id * 2);
        kpt_x += (column + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_x  = kpt_x / blazePalmSize;
        kpt_y += (row + 0.5) * stride;
        kpt_y  = kpt_y / blazePalmSize;
        //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), key_id, kpt_x, kpt_y);
        res.kp_arr[key_id] = cv::Point2d(kpt_x, kpt_y);

    return res;

float Blaze::sigmoid(float x) {
    return 1 / (1 + exp(-x));

std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> Blaze::DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad)

    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> denormDets;

    int scale = 0;
    if (width > height)
        scale = width;
        scale = height;

    for (auto& det : detections)
        Blaze::PalmDetection denormDet;
        denormDet.ymin = det.ymin * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmin = det.xmin * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.ymax = det.ymax * scale - pad[0];
        denormDet.xmax = det.xmax * scale - pad[1];
        denormDet.score = det.score;

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::Point2d pt_new = cv::Point2d(det.kp_arr[i].x * scale - pad[1], det.kp_arr[i].y * scale - pad[0]);
            //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("denorm kpt id(%d) : (%f, %f)"), i, pt_new.x, pt_new.y);
            denormDet.kp_arr[i] = pt_new;
    return denormDets;

void Blaze::DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> denormDets)
    for (auto& denormDet : denormDets)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        cv::Point2d endPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmax, denormDet.ymax);
        cv::rectangle(img, cv::Rect(startPt, endPt), cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < palmMinNumKeyPoints; i++)
            cv::circle(img, denormDet.kp_arr[i], 5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);

        std::string score_str = std::to_string(static_cast<int>(denormDet.score * 100))+ "%";
        cv::putText(img, score_str, cv::Point(startPt.x, startPt.y - 20), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);


std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> Blaze::FilteringDets(std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height)
    std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> filteredDets;

    for (auto& denormDet : detections)
        cv::Point2d startPt = cv::Point2d(denormDet.xmin, denormDet.ymin);
        if (startPt.x < 10 || startPt.y < 10)
        if (startPt.x > width || startPt.y > height)
        int w = denormDet.xmax - denormDet.xmin;
        int y = denormDet.ymax - denormDet.ymin;
        if ((w * y < 40 * 40 )|| (w * y  > (width * 0.7) * (height * 0.7)))
    return filteredDets;






손 검출도 잘되고 검출 스코어 임계치 올렸더니 오검출도 꽤줄음



	cv::dnn::Net blazePalm;
	cv::dnn::Net blazeHand;

	// var and funcs for blazepalm
	struct PalmDetection {
		float ymin;
		float xmin;
		float ymax;
		float xmax;
		cv::Point2d kp_arr[7];
		float score;

	int blazeHandSize = 256;
	int blazePalmSize = 128;
	float palmMinScoreThresh = 0.6;
	float palmMinNMSThresh = 0.2;
	int palmMinNumKeyPoints = 7;

	void ResizeAndPad(
		cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& img256,
		cv::Mat& img128, float& scale, cv::Scalar& pad

	std::vector<PalmDetection> PredictPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img);
	PalmDetection GetPalmDetection(cv::Mat regressor, cv::Mat classificator,
		int stride, int anchor_count, int column, int row, int anchor, int offset);
	float sigmoid(float x);
	std::vector<PalmDetection> DenormalizePalmDetections(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height, cv::Scalar pad);
	void DrawPalmDetections(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<Blaze::PalmDetection> denormDets);
	std::vector<PalmDetection> FilteringDets(std::vector<PalmDetection> detections, int width, int height);














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